To Dance or
Not to Dance?
Why do you need to know how to dance?
Parties, Graduation Balls, Christmas, Weddings.... Don’t end up being the one with two left feet and stuck in a corner all night long! SO, LEARN TO DANCE!!
Why Ballroom and Latin American Dancing?
There are many types of dance craze that became the flavour of the month throughout history, like: Rock & Roll, Lambada, Line Dancing, Belly Dancing, Salsa, Pole Dancing, etc... Ballroom and Latin American Dancing have been around for a long time, not just since the television show "Strictly Come Dancing'". They cover all aspects such as posture, movement, balance, musical interpretation, partnering skills, etc... It is a more coherent way on learning how to dance. Many Ballroom & Latin American dancers find it easy to pick up the "renegade" dances. Whereas the dancers who learnt the single format dancers will find it difficult to do the same with Ballroom Dancing.
What dances do you cover?
We started will very simple learning steps of Waltz, Cha Cha Cha, Rumba, Social Foxtrot, Quickstep & Slow Jive. Then add in Samba & Tango later on. You will be up and running in the first few weeks. After about 6 months, you will be moving on to syllabus steps on the rest of the dances.
Classes or Private Lessons?
Classes are the most popular way on learning how to dance. It's economical. But best way to learn how to dance quickly, is still Private Lessons. We can tailor the lessons to your needs that only specific to you, as different people have different attributes. It's not just for serious dancers! Hobby dancers have them as well!
How long will it take me to learn how to dance?
Well, how long is a piece of string? It varies from person to person, but will do promise you by the end of the 3 months, you will have a grasps of the elementary steps of 6 dances and will be quite confident to get up and dance around the floor. We are very good, but we are not miracle workers! Dancing takes time and it is a life long skill. Prepare to invest a bit of time into it and you will be surprise how it will enrich your life.
What can I do with it?
You can treat it as a hobby, sport or even a career. You can get fit and meet new friends. You can improve your movements in other sports. You can take Medal Tests from introductory to advance grades. You can dance in Competitions.
Come and join the fastest growing Dance community in the heart of Shropshire. Why settle for anything less. Learn from the best young dynamic professionals in the area. It's fun, easy and keeps you fit!