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The Beginning

Dance with Music's humble beginning started with the initial background researches done on suitable names and area for the school to be based in.


Various preliminary names have been considered and disregarded, till eventually a statement is conjured up that clearly defines the main purpose that the school wishes to stand for, that is to teach people to 'Dance with Music'. It also incorporates the initials of the principal founders of the school. With the hardest part of the process out of the way, the logo is them designed to reflect the duo purposes for the school and the founders themselves.


Regarding the area itself, apart from being in close travelling proximity with the founders, it also took them out of the highly saturated West Midlands dance area, into a relatively unchartered county where no well-established ballroom dance school exists. Not that they shy away from competition, but they firmly believe that their goals are to encourage more new people to learn to dance, rather than regurgitate the same people that moves from school to school in search for someone to tell them what they want to hear, rather than what they need to know.


With the name and area settled, they searched for venues in and around the heart of Shropshire - Telford, not settling with economical restrains but with the sole purpose of providing the right environment for people to learn ballroom dancing. Cordingley Conference Centre, Donnington was where it all started.


With a very basic advertising campaign with local newspapers, and their hardwork on personally delivering leaflets from door to door around the area, the school started with the initial two absolute beginners classes in one location, to the dance community that it is now.

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